William Tucker in Palestine prior to the action on Kos.

Shortly before he died in 1988 William Tucker wrote a detailed account of his war service. The following is a short extract:

“Sadly, however, my No 2 LAC Killgallon, had been hit by one of the aircraft’s strafing bullets and was mortally wounded.

A great loss to the sqn as he was a very popular man, and an ever-greater loss to me as he was my best friend”.

During enemy air attacks on the Greek island of Kos (September and October 1943), leading Aircraftman Tucker was No 1 gunner on an anti-aircraft gun (Hispano) which formed part of the defences of Antimachia airfield.

This gun was subject to particularly heavy low-level attacks by the enemy fighters. Throughout these attacks this Gunner displayed courage and determination which was an inspiration to his crew. During one of these attacks, another member of the crew fell mortally wounded across Tucker’s shoulder. Neither this nor the enemy’s fire could deter him from his task. His gun shot down one enemy aircraft and damaged two others.

Some days later the gun was rendered un-serviceable by enemy dive bombers. LAC Tucker continued to defend the position with his rifle. He fell into enemy hands whilst in hospital after being wounded on 4 Oct 43. It was this action that saw Tucker awarded the Military Medal. He was a POW until his release and subsequent return to the UK 18 May 45.

London Gazette, 21 September 1943